From Behind the Camera and Drag-and-Drive Events to YouTube and Podcasts, Cooper Bogetti is Taking Big Steps in the Automotive World

Some might recognize Cooper Bogetti from his days of filming for the Cleetus McFarland crew during drag-and-drive events, including Rocky Mountain Race Week.

Since September 2020, Cooper has been focused on his own YouTube channel and participating in several events a year, including Sick Week in 2022 and 2023.

To get a perspective on how Cooper got to this point, let’s rewind back about a decade. Cleetus took on a job at 1320 Video managing their Instagram account in December 2012. That expanded to also handling all 1320 Video’s social media, including Facebook and event collaborations.

When his job responsibilities started to grow with 1320 Video, Cleetus hired Cooper to join him. “It was more of an internship at first because the social media side was still a little unproven and new,” said Cooper. “When we left 1320 Video after a couple years, their Instagram had grown to over one million followers.”

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Cleetus had been filming videos for his own YouTube channel at the time, and Cooper was part of the plan from the beginning. “We filmed on the weekends and after school very inconsistently for a while,” Cooper said. “Once we graduated and took it full time, we took it seriously and went to every event we could go to.”


After working with Cleetus for several years, and amassing a small fleet of cars and the desire to take his own YouTube channel to new heights, Cooper left the Cleetus crew in fall of 2020.

Despite already having a few cars that were raced, including a 2JZ-powered 4th-gen Camaro and a LS-powered 240 drift car, Cooper decided to take on a new project in July of 2021, a 1995 Ford Mustang.

Eventually getting LS-swapped with an LSA-blower and Powerglide transmission, Cooper took the Mustang known as “Chip” on both editions of Sick Week, as well as some local racing at Bradenton Motorsports Park.

Starting in December 2022, Cooper started a new channel - Bogetti Studios. Dedicated to podcasting interviews, Cooper has already brought some great and insightful guests to the channel.

From familiar drag-and-drive participants like Tom Bailey and Kevin Smith, to LS-tuner Jeremy Formato and the opinionated “YDBTV” thoughts of Alex Flores, Cooper has discussed a variety of topics on what has become a weekly podcast.   

Cooper is joined in his latest podcast by Fred White and Scott Witty from 1320 Video. Both Fred and Scott have been with 1320 Video for over ten years, and they are visible at a ton of big races and gatherings each year.

From stories about street racing in Stockholm Sweden to visiting the famous Nürburgring in Germany, Fred and Scott didn’t disappoint in this week’s podcast:


Written by Derek Putnam. Photos courtesy of Sick the Magazine and Bogetti Studios.


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