Derek Putnam Derek Putnam Derek Putnam Derek Putnam

Is the Fate of Palm Beach International Raceway Sealed? Big Developer Bid Trumps At Least Two Bids from Parties Interested in Returning Racing to the Facility

In nearly three years since Palm Beach International Raceway (PBIR) closed the gates for the final time, there has been a lot of news about the facility that was supposed to never see racing again, and be converted to warehouses.

The original sale fell through after a lengthy battle with commissioners, the property sat untouched, and rumors circulated that there could be a chance of survival. Recently, we learned from two sources that the top bids to return racing to the South Florida have fallen short.

After three years sitting idle, will the money come through and nearly 60 years of racing history at PBIR come to a permanent end? Or will a buyer swoop in to save the track after the big name developer fails to come in with the payment?

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